About Howes Graham

I am an Advanced Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner using hypnosis hypnoanalysis and NLP for hypnotherapy in the Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester area in Essex and by Skype. Apart from being a Hypnotist using hypnotism I am also an actor, playwright, director and teacher. I am also a Certified Weight Loss and HypnoGastricBand practitioner.

Important news for type two diabetes and how hypnosis can help

Type Two Diabetes and how Hypnosis can help

I offer weight management courses for those classified obese and those who are yo yo dieters. Evidence seems to show that you can avoid type two diabetes with hypnotherapy weight management courses and, if you have it, improve and sometimes reverse the condition.

In the case of obesity I offer the Hypno Gastric Band which is extremely effective in losing weight without special dieting… see that page on the website https://grahamhoweshypnotherapy.co.uk

I republish recent findings below:

Diabetes ‘Cure’: Diet & Exercise Work for Some

After one year of regular sessions to encourage weight loss and physical activity, 11.5 percent of obese adults with Type 2 diabetes saw their condition at least partially reverse — meaning their blood sugar levels decreased to those of a prediabetic, without the need for medication. Just 2 percent of those who did not receive intensive counseling partially reversed their diabetes. After four years, the rate of partial diabetes remission in the counseling group declined slightly, to 7 percent.

Full remission — achieving normal blood sugar levels — was rarer, with just 1.3 percent of people in the counseling group and 0.1 percent in the non-counseling group meeting this goal after one year.

Type 2 diabetes has traditionally been seen as a progressive disease that is managed rather than cured. Recent studies have suggested it can be reversed with weight loss surgery, or by following an extreme diet that mimics surgery.

However, until this study, little was known about the rate of long-term diabetes reversal without surgery or extreme dieting.

The study confirms that complete Type 2 diabetes remission is rare, but that partial remission is an obtainable goal for some patients, the researchers said.

Experts said that, because the definitions of complete or partial diabetes remission are arbitrary, researchers should not focus on these measures. What’s more important is that patients improve their weight and blood sugar levels, as people in this study did, said Dr. Pieter Cohen, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a general internist at Cambridge Health Alliance.

“If the great majority of people are losing weight and their sugars are going down, whether or not we call that a remission…it’s great news,” said Cohen, who was not involved in the study. Although most patients in the study didn’t meet the strict criteria for remission, they are moving in the right direction, he said.

Diabetes ‘cure’

The study involved about 4,500 obese adults with Type diabetes ages 45 to 76, who were followed for four years.

Rates of remission were about 15 to 20 percent higher among those who lost substantial weight, improved fitness, had lower blood glucose levels at the study start, or had been diagnosed with diabetes more recently, compared to those who did not meet these criteria.
Diabetes and disease

It’s important to note that people in the study had been living with Type 2 diabetes for an average of five years before it began. If diabetes is detected early, and interventions started soon thereafter, Cohen said he would expect that more people could be “cured” with lifestyle changes.

The results might have been better if real fruits and vegetables had been provided, Cohen said.
So far, improving blood sugar levels has not been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in people with diabetes. Future studies will examine whether or not lowering blood sugar reduces rates of kidney and eye disease, Cohen said.

In an editorial accompanying the study, Dr. David Arterburn, of the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle, and Dr. Patrick O’Connor, of the HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research in Minneapolis, said the results underscore the need to prevent, rather than treat, diabetes.
“Prevention of diabetes and obesity should be a rallying cry for all clinicians who care about the health of the nation,” they wrote.

The study and editorial were published in the Dec. 19 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Pass it on: It’s possible to reverse diabetes with weight loss and exercise changes.

Copyright 2012 Rachel Raettner MyHealthNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company.

Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com

Is there an alternative approach for obesity and weight management?

An alternative approach for Obesity with Hypnotherapy

Weight Loss and Dealing with Obesity often isn’t about just losing weight but treating why you gained weight in the first place


Hypno Gastric Band is another way to treat obesity

I have been successfully treating many people for obesity for a number of years. There seems to be an idea that an operation and a real gastric band is the “only” approach when diets or slimming regimes have failed.Actually becoming an “intelligent eater” is more important than “points, sins or counting calories” – there is another approach of weight management that doesn’t mean when you stop the regime that you immediately put the weight back on. Time to stop yoyo dieting!

Obesity is treatable

Obesity is a serious problem reaching epidemic proportions in the UK and can lead to type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart conditions, cancer and other ill health. It is important to address WHY someone is overeating and treat the underlying causes – I have even seen people who had the Gastric Band fitted only to start trying to find ways around the system to address their need to comfort or binge eat or eat because of emotional reasons. The answer for me is to use hypnosis, neuro linguistic programming and hypnoanalysis to address the reasons for overeating and finally “fit” a hypno gastric band at the end of the four part course.

The course is very thorough and tailored to each individual with nutritional information supplied and motivation to eat less, manage weight and find some exercise that will work for an individual.

Have a look at my Hypno Gastric Band page and the genuine testimonials – it is possible to acheive weight loss and find a happier life with this system for as little as £260. A real Gastric Band can cost £8,000 or more.

Graham Howes ASHPH GHR registered GHSC regulated CNHC approved Hypno Gastric Band tm registered supplier

Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com

Weight loss management with hypnosis no more yo yo diets!

Weight loss Hypnosis

Losing weight with hypnosis and NLP in Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester Essex

is different to losing weight by dieting or slimming. People lose weight on a diet and then put it back on again when they return to their normal way of eating or get bored with calorie counting or points or whatever system they use.



Broadly diets are about starving yourself or excluding things from your diet and some people get very bored with this.

Hypnosis is used to focus on the WHY of overeating and help you understand how you can become an intelligent eater for life without special diets. Most of us know what we feel we should eat and we know to eat slowly good food in small portions. We also know exercise will help get us fit and lose weight. Yet we don’t do it and beat ourselves up. We eat rubbish food full of fat sugar and salt and risk type two diabetes, problems with obesity, heart trouble, cancer and back and knee problems because our body cannot cope with the extra strain.

However once you understand what you are doing and begin to see that you can be in control once you deal with your mindset and problems surrounding eating you too can become an intelligent eater and lose weight and keep it off. Once you deal with you demons you are happier too!

Change is possible and you can lose significant amounts of weight without gastric band surgery or other bariatric procedures. So why not look at the possibilities of “changing your mind”?

There is more on my Weight Loss page and Hypno Gastric Band page

Graham Howes

Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com

Weight Loss Management with Hypnosis in Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester Essex – Losing Weight is often less about the diet and more about why you became overweight in the first place

Giving Birth – pain relief with self hypnosis and using hypnosis to aid conception

Hypnotherapy1Giving Birth with less pain – hypnosis to help with conception and pregnancy



Can giving birth be less painful without drugs?

We have a belief that giving birth will be horrendously painful – and many Mothers will testify just how painful it can be. And yet, there have been devised by Women for Women, some techniques to assist in making the birth as pain free as possible using self hypnosis. There are trade names like hypnobirthing and many variations on a theme and I am describing here just one method of the many which also works well.


Hypnobirthing in Ipswich Suffolk

Hypnobirthing and similar techniques

HypnoBirthing is based on the work of Dr Grantly Dick-Read, an English Doctor – he wrote a book in 1933 called “Childbirth without Fear” –

When we’re fearful, our body diverts blood and oxygen from non-essential defense organs to large muscle groups in our extremities – this is connected to the fight or flight mechanism.

Dr. Dick-Read suggested that the fear felt by a woman during childbirth caused blood to be filtered away from the uterus, so it could be used by the muscles that would flee from the danger. As a result, the uterus was left without oxygen and could not perform its functions efficiently or without pain.

This led to Dr. Dick-Read’s idea that this fear and tension caused an increase in labour pains in about 95 percent of birthing women. He called this: “the fear-tension-pain syndrome of childbirth,” believingd that by eliminating the fear, women could return the uterus to its normal function, eliminating or diminishing the pain.

Self Hypnosis techniques for giving birth painlessly

You can learn these or other similar techniques easily so that you minimise the pain and focus on the birth process – like an Athlete goes “into the zone” somehow they break through the pain barrier – and Actors can testify how many times they have fought pain or ill health with “Doctor Theatre” – somehow managing to go out and give an amazing performance while not noticing the pain. All of this is testament to the power of the mind over the body.

It is important to begin to learn the techniques at about the eighth month so that they are practiced and almost routine by the time the big day arrives.

I offer a Clinic in Giving Birth with self hypnosis in my practices in Essex and Suffolk.

Hypnosis to aid conception and assist during Pregnancy

Hypnosis can be used to help you visualise a desired outcome and prepare the mind and body for successful pregnancy. Stress seems to interfere with conceiving and there are techniques that can be learned to reduce that stress. Some couples find that they “give up trying to get pregnant” only to then discover that a baby is on the way!

Pregnancy and IVF – Needle Phobia

If couples are opting for IVF – where injections are a part of the treatment – if you are needle phobic – then this can also be easily treated using Hypnosis.

Treating Morning Sickness, excess weight gain, Headaches, Heartburn and Indigestion and Leg Cramps

The above are common during Pregnancy:

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness – which can be particularly a problem in early pregnancy – can be reduced or even eliminated with Hypnotherapy.

Excess Weight Gain in Pregnancy

Many Women begin to experience a huge increase in appetite _ “eating for two” – a significant increase in weight can lead to complications with high blood pressure and a difficulty after birth in losing the weight thanks to the increase in appetite and excessive weight gain. Hypnotherapy and good nutritional advice can help you eat optimally for you and your baby without significant weight gain.

Headaches Heartburn and Leg Cramps in Pregnancy

Many Women suffer from Headaches, Heartburn and Indigestion, and Leg Cramps and other pains in Pregnancy and may prefer to avoid excessive medication. Heartburn and Indigestion in particular are due to high levels of progesterone and oestrogens – particularly in the last three months. The acid produced can cause a burning sensation in the oesophagus. Leg cramps can often be very painful when sleeping. All of these conditions may be helped with learning self hypnosis and the hypnotherapist offering appropriate suggestions in a hypnotherapy session.

Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com


Graham Howes


Hypnobirthing in Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester Essex



Pain Relief Hypnosis .. And Doctor Theatre .. How hypnotherapy and NLP can help with treating pain

Pain Relief Hypnosis – Hypnotherapy and Doctor Theatre

How does Pain Relief Hypnosis relate to “Doctor Theatre”?

As a hypnotherapist and NLP person who is also an actor I have experienced the phenomena we call “Doctor Theatre” or ” Doctor Greasepaint”. Many Actors have anecdotes about being ill or injured and carrying on with a performance – sometimes even excelling in that particular show.

Is it because of adrenaline that keeps them going? There are many tales of superhuman feats of people going beyond pain or even a normal capacity – Mothers lifting cars to free trapped children for example or athletes achieving amazing feats – there was a time when the three minute mile was considered to be impossible – and yet Dr Roger Bannister did it. The records continue to be smashed.

There appears to exist a mechanism that enables the shut down or diminishing of pain. For me this is accessed through a kind of self hypnosis which evokes what I call an uptime trance – in other words we can focus our attention .. The sports person does when they go “into the zone” and others do when they concentrate on a great film, texting or a sports match… Or making music in the flow… or acting In the Moment… Or an important job or enjoyable task.


What is “pain”?

I have heard pain described as “disguised anxiety” and clients I have treated affirm that Pain appears to ramps up way beyond what it should be.

I point out the aforementioned examples and ask ” what if” we could acknowledge pain as a message then turn it down or off using uptime trance. Of course there are elements of pain that are about self protection – not using a damaged muscle until it is healed, for instance, but a lot of pain seems to be unnecessarily painful. Sometimes it is connected to fight or flight where the blood is sent to the extremities thus draining the painful part of blood and increasing the pain. Contrary to what you might think – it is important to use techniques that I teach to acknowledge the alert rather than attempt to supress it.

I teach clients ways to ask their unconscious parts running the show to turn the pain down and this seems to help even with chronic pain. As long as they continue to try to do as much as possible to heal the cause of the pain then they really don’t need that level of pain.

Managing the pain is the first step. There is promoting healing. There is giving strategies to deal with pain and to stop “looking for pain”. There is help to sleep. We start with three sessions backed up by a CD to really embed the approach as well as give a resource. There is a scholarly article on the medical and scientific evidence as to how this works extremely well. Dr Deepak Chopra is another who has contributed much in showing how he, as a medical Doctor, recognised in ancient spiritual practices many other approaches that can also help promoting pain relief and healing through mindfulness and more. However you don’t have to be a “believer” the evidence is there and recently the notion of hypnosis as a placebo has been dismissed by MRI scans and experiments quoted in other blogs here to show that self hypnosis is a very effective tool,that we should all learn and when you visit a good hypnotherapist – that is what you learn.

Pain Relief Hypnosis and pain management

You might wonder how it is done: here is a small exercise in visualisation of how you might begin to deal with pain of any kind – try it:

Close your eyes and breathe in to the area where the pain is .. Slow deep breaths… Imagine the in breath as a healing colour whatever that is to you …. Imagine when it reaches that area it gently warms and soothes it… Now make your out breath slightly longer than you in breath and picture the colour of your pain as your out breath… Breathe it out of you…

Picture the pain as a ball of coloured energy … Imagine a lever marked 10 to 1 .. As you slide down the lever see the ball of energy shrink and turn it slowly to the healing colour… Relax and drift for a bit.. And see how you feel.

This might seem odd to you – but it is one of the easiest way to talk to the parts of you sending you the pain message!

Finally ponder how Esdaile in the nineteenth century could do major operations like amputations with no anaesthetic and lost less patients than any of his contemporaries. Wonder why it isn’t more a part of our medicine now and why it took Dave Elman in the 1950 s to rediscover “the Esdaile state” and teach several generations of Doctors, Surgeons and Dentists in the US how to do it… And why it isn’t more widespread.

Elman told of a Doctor who had a last minute patient with severe pain in a hand. He had no pain killers in stock so being recently trained by Elman smeared some lubricating gel on the Man’s hand saying it was a powerful analgesic. It worked. Placebo maybe.. But the more interesting thing here is that the pain disappeared. If it a placebo effect shouldn’t we be learning how that works in preference to drug regimes as a default?

The man turned out to be a Drug Rep and wanted a sample of this wonder drug. The Doctor suggested that he had run out..I wonder how long he sought this miracle analgesic for his Pharma company when the answer was within?

Pain Relief Hypnotherapy

It is harder, in my experience, to get some one who is in the midst of a severe pain incident into hypnosis. However between pain incidents you can teach them to manage their pain and learn self hypnosis. Therefore it is hard to help you while suffering chronic pain but once an analgesic of some sort is in place you can start to deal with the pain – pain is a message so it is firstly good to let your unconscious processes to certainly KNOW you have noticed it and “ask” it to turn the pain down.

A little pain is there as a diagnostic but surely it isn’t necessary all the time? So why not hijack the placebo effect and use hypnotic trance to suggest less pain and trace the pain to it’s source to see if your body and mind’s self healing capabilities can help? After all you heal a cut don’t you?

Professor L G Walker at Hull seems to have had a great deal of success in prolonging alive in Aids and Cancer patients with hypnotic visualisation – experiments have shown that groups of patients having the traditional treatments set against other patients who have the same treatments plus visualisation appear to indicate that those who have the additional hypnotherapy live longer and heal better.

I would add from my own observation that they might well suffer less pain too.

I would love to see a wider trial of the usage of Hypnosis for Pain Relief – in the 1950’s and 60’s Dave Elman famously taught all those Doctors Dentists and Surgeons in the US – so what happened to all that great work? Have we forgotten the power of the mind? Esdaile was considered a fraud by the establishment in the 19th Century – yet he operated many times, including amputations, and his death rate was lower than anyone using anaesthetic… So more research needed? Some is quoted elsewhere – we have known of this for a long time. The first BMA approval of hypnosis goes back to successful trials in 1947! So why isn’t it used by Doctors more?

Graham Howes Advanced Hypnotherapist and NLP in Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester Essex


Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com

Hypnosis for Pain Management in Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester Essex

Breast Enhancement Hypnosis

Breast Enhancement Enlargement with Hypnosis

There has been a lot of attention paid in the media about Breast Enhancement Hypnosis – notably in the UK in the Daily Mail. Whenever these stories appear I research them out of interest. Initially I admit I was totally sceptical.

It seems to have actually been around in the US for quite some time. There has even been some respectable work on the subject by some US Universities with proper control groups. The consensus seems to be that not everyone sees a boost but that a significant number have gone up a couple of cup sizes.

How would this work?

The theory seems to be that whether issues at the time of breast development inhibited growth or whether there is still growth possible that basically using hypnosis you instruct the subconscious processes to allow the body to grow some more and use visualisation to imagine adding mass etc.  (Similar theories abound for penis growth).

If it is possible for soft tissue growth – can this process make me taller?

It only seems to work with soft tissue. Penis enlargement, however, also seems to work.

I was asked for Breast Enhancement because of an article in the Daily Mail recently so I will report back on what we both regard as an interesting private experiment. I have consulted to find best practice – so we will see!

Graham Howes http:grahamhoweshypnotherapy.co.uk

More on Breast Growth using Hypnosis – findings from studies at United States Universities

At the end of a 12-week experiment, 28 per cent of the women had achieved the growth in breast size that they wanted, 85 per cent had confirmed that a significant increase in their breast size had been achieved and 46 per cent had reported that they had had to buy bigger bras. The average increase in breast circumference was 1.37 inches; in breast height, 0.67 inches; and in breast width, 1.01 inches. Most women reported that by the end of the experiment they could feel warm blood flowing into their breasts simply by thinking about their breasts.

There were other advantages, too! Those women who had – at the start of the experiment – complained of having breasts of unequal size, reported that their breasts had become equal in size. All the women reported that their breasts were now firmer. And some 63 per cent of the women, who had complained of having pendulous breasts when the experiment had started, reported that the fullness and the contours of their breasts had returned. Incidentally, to make sure that the extra breast size hadn’t just been achieved by an increase in weight, the women were also weighed at the start of the experiment. At the end of the 12-week period 42 per cent of the women had actually had a weight loss of greater than 4 pounds, but had all nevertheless noticed an improvement in their breast size.

When he studied the changes, Dr Willard found that there was no correlation between the increase in size and the size of the breasts at the start of the experiment. He did, however, find that there was a correlation between the ease with which the women were able to visualise blood flowing into their breasts and the increase in size which they obtained. The only two women who subjectively felt that their breasts had not increased in size (but who did, in fact, have a measurable increase in bosom dimensions) had both had difficulty in feeling the effect of the warmth on their breasts.

In another, similar experiment Allan R. Staib and D. R. Logan of the University of Houston encouraged three women under hypnosis to imagine themselves going back in time to when they were ten or twelve-years-old. The women were told to imagine that they could feel their breasts pushing outwards and that they could then feel the skin getting tighter as the tissues grew. Then they were asked to imagine themselves standing nude in front of the bathroom mirror some two or three years after the completion of the experiment. They were told to notice that in the intervening time their breasts had become larger.

Staib and Logan managed to show that their volunteers also enjoyed an appreciable improvement in breast size. Moreover, they also revealed that even after three months the greater part of the gain remained.

Scientific Evidence:

Peter H.C. Mutke, M.D. (UCLA) – Research paper on Mental Techniques for Breast Development to the Department of Neuropsychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles, February 28, 1971.

Williams, J.E. Research on Stimulation of Breast Growth by Hypnosis. “Journal of Sex Research,” 1974, 10:316-326. Thirteen volunteers averaged 2.11-inch increase in the circumference of their breasts (2 cup sizes).

Staib, A.R., and Logan, D.R., Hypnotic Stimulation of Breast Growth. “The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis,” 1977, 4:201-208. Repeated Dr. Williams’ results with similar results. Follow up study showed that 81% of the breast enlargement was retained several months after the women stopped their visual imagery. Study also found women’s waist size decreased by 1.4 inches.

Willard, Richard. D.  Breast enlargement through visual imagery and hypnosis. “The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis,” 1977, 4:195-200. Dr Willard used a different technique than Dr. Williams and achieved an average 1.44 inch increase in breast size for his 22 volunteers. Every woman had an increase in their breast circumference.

Beran, Roy (neurologist at Adelaide Children’s Hospital) Study presented in February 1979 to the National Convention of Hypnotherapists in Adelaide. Dr. Beran showed that the breast volume more than doubled during the 90 day hypnosis program.

Call Graham: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com

Does Hypnosis work or Hypnotherapy does it work?

Does Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy work?

Psychologists at the US Stanford and Penn Universities have undertaken considerable research which shows that a hypnotic state does have an effect on the brain.

David Spiegel from Stanford discussed the brain scans of volunteers under hypnosis with the American Association for the Advancement of Science where even though the pictures or objects displayed were black and white, the volunteers had suggested under hypnosis that they were coloured. The brain scans showed that the brain area used to register colour had higher blood flow indicating, from previous experiments, that the volunteers were actually seeing the suggested colours.

Spiegel confirmed that the brain scans were scientific evidence that under hypnosis something does affect the brain which does not happen normally. This suggested that with self-hypnosis, or with a hypnotist, there was access to unconscious and conscious processes so that, for example, pain management could be done effectively and that the many other existing uses of hypnosis and hypnotherapy at last point out that there was a scientific basis to the effectiveness of hypnosis and that there was more to it than the so called “placebo effect”.

Psychology professor, William Ray at Penn State University, said that it has taken medical hypnosis hundreds of years to be finally recognized as a medically proven science that can assist healing without drugs. Hypnosis has shown credible relief and healing in case of phobias, chronic pain and drug addictions.

His teams of scientists and professors have done their own study of EEG and he said that it did suggest that under hypnosis, the individual has sensory sensations but the emotional experience of pain is completely removed. This is a big step forward in giving scientifically based credibility to medical hypnosis.

When hypnosis works as therapeutic techniques, you can now be more sure that it is effective. It is now a proven scientific method that allows you to tap into your subconscious or unconscious processes. Work in the UK by Professor L G Walker, at Hull University Hospital, with Cancer and AIDS sufferers, has also suggested that the group of volunteers that had guided visualisation (ie Hypnosis) survived longer and had a better chance of recovery than the control group who had no visualisation.

If you have a look at the BBC documentary on Hypnotherapy with Professor Kathy Sykes and the MRI scan performed during Hypnosis at Hull University – the brain lights up in a particular spot with Hypnosis that it doesn’t with meditation and suggestion alone. Therefore hypnosis is a real phenomenon: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8359170.stm

What is trance?

Hypnotic trance is not a state of unconsciousness or sleep but a trance-like state but where your conscious and sub-conscious minds are equally awakened actually more alert and aware. Your morality and free will is completely active and the hypnotist cannot make you do anything that goes against your core beliefs, morals or free will. It is a voluntary state of enhanced awareness. You will have already experienced trance without being aware of it when you enjoyed a good book or film, or you are a sportsman, singer or actor “getting into the Zone” or even just texting or writing or doing important work – this is trance – an enhanced focus and awareness. If you can be trained to utilise this innate power – then the dentist has no fears – you imagine yourself on a beach and turn the sensations of pain down. If you have a fear phobia or unwanted habit – or just want to lose weight – you simply learn to reprogram your unconscious processes with a skilled hypnotherapist so that you learn to find the “best way every time” instead of “the worst way”. Hypnosis facilitates change.


Russell Potts, a Deep Trance specialist, who I have trained with, was fed up with clients saying that they always “fell asleep” in session or listening to his reinforcement cds. He sat in volunteers bedrooms until they fell asleep and when they were asleep he said: “Russell here – if you are aware of me raise a finger” – which they did.. he then told them some important message that they were to repeat back to him the next day. He asked them to confirm they had the message by raising a finger then left. The next day without exception they were able to tell him the message.


He and I both believe that you are in trance not asleep but that even if you were to fall asleep – you are still hearing and learning new beneficial strategies.

I tell any Doctors or Nurses that come to see me that tale because there was a case in the US not so long ago where a man had an operation and the surgeon cracked jokes about his appearance throughout. When the Man came out of anaesthetic he summoned his lawyer and then summoned all those in the operating theatre and under oath they had to testify that the surgeon had made these jokes and the surgeon was successfully sued!

If you work with a skilled hypnotherapist properly trained and properly accredited and supervised you can make significant changes in your life – I have lost count of people who came to me as “the last resort” and then wished that they had explored hypnotherapy and NLP as a first resort.


Graham Howes ASHPH GHR registered GHSC regulated CNHC approved Deep Trance PTSD and Timeline trained Advanced Hypnotherapist


Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com

Hypnotherapy and NLP – Hypnosis in Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester Essex

Anxiety Depression Stress Panic Attacks – is Hypnotherapy and NLP the answer?

Hypnotherapy1Does hypnotherapy or hypnosis help with anxiety stress depression or panic attacks?

Treating anxiety depression stress and panic attacks

I have treated many people for the distressing and draining effects of Stress Anxiety Panic Attacks and Depression – I have to say that my experience has been that these distressing conditions respond well to Hypnotherapy and NLP. So much of the problem is in mindset in addition to chemical imbalances, trauma, diet and in general how you handle problems in your Life.How much is it really a problem or should it be viewed as something that needs a solution.? Those are different ways of seeing and thinking. If I say don’t think of a blue elephant! What happens? You have to think of it to delete it. If you think you have a problem then you do. If you look for a solution you will take action and the problem is resolved. If you make a mistake – don’t beat yourself up – learn from the mistake so you never have to suffer the consequences again. Keep trying different strategies until you find one that works “for now” – then you begin to become “solution focussed” rather than obsessing about a problem and doing nothing until it blows up in your face. Some of this can be treated with strategies to address “bad feelings”, some with a change in the way you think and some with changing your working practices and prioritising well. There is also learning mindfulness, self hypnosis and anchoring a calm state and exercise such as Yoga which helps.


Why use Hypnosis and NLP for bad feelings?

Because we want to bypass the critical faculty which is unfortunately where you have learned a limiting set of coping habits and perceptions that limit your life and suggest to your unconscious or subconscious mind that you CAN do something different. After all the Light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t have to be a train coming in the opposite direction. It could be as Richard Bandler – co founder of NLP – says: “Delight at the end of the Tunnel!” You can get control by making a positive change and learning with trance and NLP how to handle these conditions better. You will learn that feelings are a message to take action – and you can learn how to do that effectively so you take away the reasons for these distressing feelings. For instance some of this is based in the prehistoric Fight or Flight Mechanism – originally there as a protection mechanism – dumping adrenaline into the system with all the attendant discomfort that a sufferer from extreme anxiety or panic attacks or severe stress will tell you. It gets worse if you try to suppress it. It would be useful down a dark alley when someone is breaking glasses ahead of you and yelling – but not when it is Nigel yelling about a mistake in the Year end accounts! Where you have learned to over react to a stimulus and your anxiety / stress gauge is set too high – I teach you how to calm that down instead of trying to suppress it and you can then take rational action. You need to acknowledge the alert so your unconscious stops thinking you haven’t noticed and dump more adrenaline and make you hyperventilate and send blood to the extremities in preparation for fight or flight – thus making any discomfort much worse as you take blood away from where it is potentially needed. You used to be taught with anxiety panic and stress to breathe into a paper bag – that is slow down your breathing – but there are techniques that I teach so that you teach yourself to handle these distressing feelings more productively and eventually automatically.

One technique for reducing stress anxiety depression and panic.

Concentrate on your breathing and slow it down. Breathe down to the pit of your stomach. Give your in breath the colour you associate with calm / healing. Give your out breath the colour of stress / discomfort or pain. Make the our breath longer than the in breath. Concentrate on this for a few minutes. Close your eyes and let your muscles soften. Now: Visualise the stress anxiety / pain floating out of your body and filling yourself with the calm colour see the stress / discomfort as a red balloon in front of you. Imagine you have a lever marked from 10 – 1. Now turn it down slowly and shrink the balloon. Now change the colour to the healing colour and shrink it down more and more. Watch it shrink all the way down. And relax for a few minutes and focus on your breathing slowly and deeply. Feel better? You can always record the instructions very slowly with big pauses with some nice gentle music. Or come and see me for more that will help you… Hope this helps https://grahamhoweshypnotherapy.co.uk

Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com

Hypnosis for Depression Anxiety Stress in Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester Essex

The Hypnotherapist The Shaman Shakespeare and the Actor – how are they related?

Hypnotism and the Hypnotherapist Actor Shaman and Shakespeare

Hypnotherapy in Manningtree and Frinton

The Hypnotherapist The Shaman The Actor and Shakespeare the Hypnotist

Stories: As far back as I can remember I have heard or seen or experienced or, if I am writing, imagining new stories. was told stories to entertain me or jokes which were stories with a punchline or at a Sunday School a teacher endeavoured to instruct me as Jesus had instructed his disciples using story, parable, metaphor and simile, in the hope that I would see the light and become one of the Faithful. I read stories in novels. When I became an actor I told stories in many different ways. As a Hypnotherapist I use the power of stories to make a point and reframe a perception. Milton Erickson would help someone move on with their life by telling a tale of “My Friend John” and how he had to move House and realised that his house was full of clutter and in order to move he had to clear the clutter away – especially in the attic – and only take with him what he really needed. I paraphrase, of course, but doesn’t every good story teller embellish or fit the story to their needs?

Scheherazade had to use stories to stay alive – she would be killed if she reached the end of a tale – so she nested stories within stories so one minor character would launch another story before the other had finished. The ARABIAN NIGHTS is full of jokes, stories which are metaphorical, or have some element of instruction, or characters with whom we can empathise. Great stories seem to plug in to the collective unconscious no matter what the culture – the only barrier being the language of communication.

Shakespeare could tell a story on a number of levels – as entertainment, discussion, insight into the Human condition employing a full range of sophisticated techniques. His was an epic form of theatre. Naturalism came about and was another way for us to empathise with the plight of others.

This Theatre was condemned as voyeuristic “keyhole theatre” by Brecht who spoke of a Theatre which would provoke debate – the “dialectic” – he had a model of a street corner where if an accident occurred one person may perceive the accident as a minor inconvenience which is impeding his journey to work – he sees his time as important so wants to get moving, another may see his trashed car as his ruination and blames the man in a hurry for causing the accident, the outside observer of the accident may side with one or the other and may reframe the whole incident in terms of class or sees it as symptomatic of all the ills in society. Each character has their own frame of reference, which they bring to the factual accident and each one’s views are coloured by who they are their experience upbringing and their viewpoint on life. A Police person coming to the scene of the accident will have to try to sort out the facts of the accident and apportion blame as he or she sees it. A Judge may then decide differently to all the participants at this street corner… and so on. The audience will debate it and make their own decisions but Brecht hoped it would reframe their perceptions and make them think about the situation more flexibly.

This article itself is a shaggy dog tale. You may wonder what links these apparently disparate groups of story tellers: actor, shaman, priest, spiritual leader, hypnotherapist – but there is a common thread.

Great Actors are Hypnotists

Sir Laurence Olivier walked on to the stage at the Academy Awards to receive an Honorary Oscar in 1979 to the longest standing ovation I have ever seen. Here is a link if you want to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSgvp0l1n2s.

I think that he is spellbinding and a hypnotherapist would recognise the patterns that he is using. It sounds from the heart – but knowing Olivier – he would have prepared that “spontaneous” speech with care – with no cue cards – and it is interesting that he was interested in hypnosis.I was talking to a lady who had seen him play Archie Rice in THE ENTERTAINER at the Royal Court Theatre. She and her husband were late. It was a time when people wore gloves to the theatre. They were shown into the auditorium. Olivier stopped and watched them walk all the way down to their seats with a terrible stillness. There was absolute silence. He waited until they had sat down and fixed the hapless Woman with his gimlet eye. He raised one eyebrow and the audience erupted in laughter. She was horrified. He continued without verbally commenting on the incident. Her attention was immediately grabbed. The next moment it was the interval. She looked down and saw that she had taken one glove half off. She described him as “mesmeric”.

I am also an actor as well as a hypnotherapist and recognise that “first person present” feeling on a stage. The audience puts you under a microscope of attention. You are like an athlete “in the zone” of concentrated focus which is very attractive. Even a person texting can be in the zone and not be aware of the outside world for a moment. There is an immediate fixation of attention. The audience of the actor are alive to everything that you do – from what you say – to your physical reaction to others is the magic of the story teller. “Play is play” – as Peter Brook – the distinguished Theatre Director said. Peter Brook described the most memorable theatrical moment as seeing a troupe of German actors just after the Allies had entered Berlin in the Second World War. They and the soldiers and the population were all starving. The players has a feast scene with no food – but the shared feeling of hunger was so great that each mimed piece of food was really seen, experienced, and felt in a universal hallucination. Children can make up their own stories from cloud shapes or their imagination. – they are natural story tellers. The skill of an actor is also like that of a great hypnotist as I will explore further.

Two of the Fathers of Hypnotherapy:

Milton Erickson also like to employ the magic of the story teller – using metaphor and anecdote to work his particular brand of magic. David Elman too was not averse to using the magic of imagination. Stanislavski’s famous system of training for Actors – adapted into the Method in America – has at its heart the Magic If – “What if…. ?” The actor can generalise from their own experience and let the imagination flow … so does a great hypnotherapist entering into the world of their client and using imagination to facilitate change.

Acting and story telling was probably invented by the first Hunter trying in dumb show to tell the story of a hunt and teach others by his story how to do it and perhaps, as thye became more adept,  also giving his audience a sense of the Mystery of the Universe.

This became formalised by the Greeks where the Actor called The Protagonist was a Priest – the Chorus helped tell the story and comment on the action by singing chanting and dancing – the Protagonist eventually needed an Antagonist so we have two Actors and a Chorus and eventually a troupe of actors and the invention of Drama. The Priest became just a Priest but had his own kind of Theatre of Ritual and Chanting – as does a Shaman – the audience would enter a light trance state in all these examples more often than not and they would learn at a deep level and feel great or undergo “catharsis” or cleansing.

The use of language and rhythm

I was lucky enough to do a workshop with a great Italian actor – Dario Fo. He felt that verse structures had come out of work songs – the Italian Terza Rima that THE DIVINE COMEDY is written in was always considered to be an aristocratic invented high verse form but he demonstrated to me that it was exactly the 3 part rhythm used by a Venetian Gondolier when moving his Gondola and reflected in his work song – which in itself is a work trance. Pole in – push down – pole up. Work songs all reflect the rhythm of the work done. Weavers in the Highlands working together and singing a rhythmical song share in common with African tribes people singing a work song or chanting.

You may wonder what all this has to do with hypnosis – but rhythm and language is at the core of our work in inducing trance. Shakespearean Blank verse is a heart beat – one strong and one weak stress – use that with skill and like Sir Laurence you will have an audience mesmerised. The words that are used are important and clean language is very important to some – isn’t the structure and rhythm and frame and empathy also important?

Nathan Lane worked with a friend of mine in THE PRODUCERS at Drury Lane Theatre in London and he would assess the audiences’ needs in the first scene – did they prefer verbal humour or physical slapstick or a combination or what…? Every night his performance differed and every night the audience wept with laughter – I certainly witnessed his spell binding power at work – I have never laughed so much! I wonder whether as hypnotherapists we assess our audiences needs enough? Are we buried in a script or are we watching their response and listening to what they are really saying and responding as a good story teller would and take the story in a different direction in a different way?

I ask myself whether I am exploiting the power of rhythm and my voice enough? I also wonder that as Hypnotherapists – of whatever flavour – if we pay enough attention to one of our principal assets? Certainly I have heard some “Professional” Hypnosis CDs that would attest that in some cases we don’t pay enough attention to understanding how to use our voice well! The Production work on some CDs also needs some attention. Often content is great and delivery leaves a lot to be desired. There was a time when quite seriously the preferred voice to be used for hypnosis was the monotone – so boring the client into hypnosis. One Ericksonian teacher, Russell Potts, jokingly said that you had to get the Erickson gravelly voice to succeed! We are encouraged to work on our “Hypnotic Voice” in training – but do we do enough work on our voice and how we use it? As an actor I know that the potential of the voice is limitless in telling a story – telling a joke is very different to playing Shakespeare which is on multiple levels and needs careful shading and emphasis – and as for telling a story in Mime or Dance or Singing – that is another level of skill – yet all of these skills can be relevant.

Not that I am suggesting miming, singing or dancing, hypnotherapy! Just that physicality, body language and the tone of the story teller and hypnotherapist and their audience is also key. Many of us also know that certain ways of speaking can powerfully affect the successful embeddings of the suggestions made for our clients benefit.

Finally I was talking to a Shaman recently: The modern Shaman and his forbears recognise and employ story telling, trance, reframing, rhythm and many of the tricks of the hypnotherapist’s trade.

I was then listening to the recently released CDs of Dave Elman speaking and demonstrating his approach to hypnosis. When he spoke of the History he only really mentioned Mesmer, Esdaile and Braid – but if Mesmer rediscovered elements of Hypnosis in his Mesmerism and Braid rediscovered fixation and naming it as Hypnosis ( Monoideism his other suggestion!) and Esdaile deep trance states – how much are we forgetting the power of the actor and shaman in producing the same states? Staring into a fire or a scrying glass will certainly produce an altered state as will dancing to a rhythm or chanting or the use of mood altering drugs. The Aboriginal knows as much about trance as the most sophisticated practitioner of hypnosis I would contend.

What is there to learn from all this? “There are many roads to the truth”. It is interesting, too, that story telling and the use of the creative imagination are at the heart of hypnotic practice. As with acting there is no “one way” – Naturalism in Theatre is one style just as Elman in Hypnotherapy is another – we all use many approaches and techniques – often simultaneously. “Whatever works”.

As the Buddha is purported to have said on his death bed: “Don’t follow me. Find your own light.”

There is a straight line through from the first Shaman through actors and healers and holy men like Jesus to Mesmer, Braid, Esdaile, Olivier, Gielgud, Elman, Erickson and many modern day hypnotists. It is story telling and the utilisation of metaphor, simile, rhythm, elements of vocal shading, creative imagination, body language and trance. Rapport between story teller and audience and the endless shifting of the story to suit the listener. But also I believe there is more to discover about the actual power of the voice as well as the power of metaphor and simile in storytelling, acting, proverb, joke and parable.

It is no coincidence that we are often taught to explain trance as being like: “Lost in a good book or film.”

Copyright 2011, Graham Howes


Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com



How to get that audition and be a better professional performer with hypnotism

How do I get that part in audition? Being a Professional performer and how Hypnosis can help.

I have worked as an actor director teacher writer and specialist hypnotherapist for over 30 years. I say this not to be the BOF but just that I have seen this from all angles.

Missing Pieces Theatre Show

I have most recently Directed a new play with Ballroom, Tap and Lindy Hop called MISSING PIECES http://missingpiecestheatreshow.co.uk. if you are interested. Our creative team was me, Graham Howes, Karen Lynne, Simon Egerton MD, Richard Marcel Choreographer and mentors Carole Todd and Peter John Cooper.

When you are casting as a Director I would say that you are full of hope that the next candidate will be the one you are looking for – so to my mind – I would like you to relax and show me what your particular sizzle is and then demonstrate that we can work together. If you have done your research on the company, show and director – so much the better. If you ask questions that demonstrate an interest and you fit the bill then you are close to the top of my preferred candidates.

Casting Missing Pieces was particularly tough for us and the auditionees. We wanted to make it testing but enjoyable and give people a fair crack of the whip. We had a grant from he Arts Council and Unity Theatre Trust to do a 2 week development workshop to be shown to a mix of interested Producers, Theatre Professionals and invited audience. in addition we would use Community Social Dancers.

Strictly Come Dancing

We had the marvellous Richard Marcel from Strictly Come Dancing to choreograph so we devised a 90 minute Master Class from him in Ballroom Tap and Lindy Hop and then working on text with me.

It was a tough cast because we needed superb actors, amazing dancers, who could pull off a North East accent that wasn’t Geordie, and maybe play an instrument and sing to a high standard!

Not easy – we all have strengths and weaknesses. They would need patience and an understanding of the nature of a work in progress where your brilliant scene may be sacrificed to time pressures or because it doesn’t further the story arc.

Our auditionees worked hard and I hope got something from us too! We ended up with a cast of collaborators who.contributed to the development of the script and went he extra mile giving extra unpaid time to he project because they knew the budget was tight and that it was to all our benefits to show the best that we could show. We are grateful to them for their generosity.

As a hypnotherapist I work with actors dancers and singers to overcome their nerves – it is actually fairly straightforward to learn to relax and get in the uptime trance of “the zone”. Once you are there the rest is preparation, hard work, passion for the project and a commitment to serve the trust of your employer, being pleasant and not arrogant pushy or grand, plus of course talent!

When you create a piece you invest your time, money, hope and energy… So you also pray others will do the same. I hope the profession is kept above the clocking in and out mentality. If you don’t have passion for a project stay away from it! There is nothing worse than directing a piece with people who mangle your carefully constructed text or add to it what you cut and are then lazy in rehearsal and show and act as if they would rather be somewhere else.

One noted pro also told me to look at promising contenders Facebook pages … If they bitched about employers, each other, or had many pictures of them off their face .. Then stay away!

Believe me many employers do this now and they don’t have to select you… Why would they when it is such a high risk and expensive undertaking? The Business is very much a team game and awkward difficult and lazy people are noted. I am on LinkedIn amongst other networking sites and people ask about performers and recommendations all the time.

If you want to be a respected Pro – the above is my advice – above all stay grounded: the best Famous People that I have ever worked with were often humble and lead by example – working hard, helping others generously and demonstrating a commitment to the work. The difficult ones were just that … A real pain to everyone. My plea is that we all work together in genuine collaboration.

I hope this is helpful!

Graham Howes October 2012

Hypnotherapy for Professional Actors, Singers Dancers available at Ipswich, Hadleigh and Colchester in Suffolk and Essex and onsite at TV studios, Film Locations and Theatres or by Skype grahamhowes1

Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com