Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss – lose weight with hypnosis in Ipswich

Weight Loss Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester Essex

Losing Weight isn’t about ‪#‎dieting‬ – it’s about why you put on the weight in the first place. I was a specialist in weight loss hypnotherapy in Harley Street and since then have been using hypnosis and NLP to help people to lose weight in Ipswich and Hadleigh Suffolk and Colchester Essex. I was also an early adopter of the Hypno Gastric Band for obesity so have many clinical hours of experience.


How to Lose Weight

Gaining Weight

We keep hearing that we have an have an “obesity epidemic” in the UK. Some of this, as in the USA, is because of ready meals and junk food. In fact the American Health Authority calls it “junkie food” because they say that people become addicted to fat sugar and salt in high levels in the food which makes them feel good for all of half an hour! Unfortunately this has a bad impact on the waistline. It can also lead to depression, cancer, osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes, heart trouble and more! Your knees and back don’t thank you either because for every stone overweight it is as if you were wearing a rucksack filled with fat. You try carrying a rucksack wearing a rucksack weighing even one stone and you will see what I mean!

Losing weight with dieting

The problem is that the diet industry has always known that when you stop the diet you go back to your “normal eating” – and when you do the weight piles on again! So we get the boom and bust of yoyo dieting. Quite honestly dieting is boring!

Diets tend to be starvation or exclusion diets

Starvation Diets

You are asked to cut down on calories or maybe you are allowed sins (I find calling food sinful a psychological no no!) or you eat shakes or ready meals.

Some diet ready made foods contain ground duck feathers to bulk you out or a substance like wallpaper paste that mimics fat. You may find that if they are low in fat or salt they are high in sugar or vice versa.

Starvation puts pressure on the liver and kidneys and your autonomic system makes you crave to eat more. You might have strong short term goals – such as a wedding – and you override the siren call of your hypothalamus – the governor of your appetite.

You drink diet drinks which might contain aspartame which studies show makes you hungrier and actually may cause cancer.

You get bored with the shakes or ready meals.

You crash diet to beat the weigh in.

The moment you weaken you binge and put the weight back on.

Exclusion diets

Don’t eat fish on a wet Tuesday! Eat lots of fat. Cut out carbs. Take as much fat as possible out of your diet. Fast on designated days etc etc. A nutritionist friend told me how harmful these diets can be as your poor digestive system liver and kidneys suddenly take on a huge load of one particular type of food and suddenly lacks another food group.

I suggested that I should bring in a Pineapple Diet – where you substitute fresh pineapple for one meal a day. I would talk of it’s miraculous digestive powers. I would say it was high in Bromelane a digestive enzyme. I would say it was full of fibre and bulked you out. I would tell you to watch your calories i other meals. You might do it and lose weight … until you got bored with Pineapple and it would go the way of the Grapefruit Diet!

Perhaps I would sell it to you in pill form extolling the virtues of some obscure chemical and it’s ability to break down fat.

If all this worked wouldn’t the NHS prescribe it?


Dieting Problems

The problem is that we become calorie obsessed: “I lost / gained a pound today!” It is rumoured that some weight loss counsellors get bonuses for every pound lost – hence the obsession with pounds. Frankly you can gain or lose a pound depending on what time of the day that you weigh. A pound is nothing. The overall aim is to lose weight steadily – and there will be peaks and troughs depending where you are in getting rid of fat – for instance.

If you are in a time where weight stands still or even goes up a little you get depressed and abandon the diet – it is “not working” – so you may as well comfort yourself with food.

Or maybe you feel it is all your fault?

Actually: You are fighting your body’s natural equilibrium.

Weight Management with Hypnosis

My approach is to help you manage your weight without calorie counting or any other gimmick. You learn how to use portion size control and eat a balance of fod stuffs that meet your body’s needs.

You take some exercise which you enjoy

Most importantly you address why you overeat.

Why you overeat


“The boss / customer yelled at me so I reached for my secret Chocolate Drawer!”

We tranquillise ourselves with sweets or food and binge or comfort eat.

We could however use a strategy to address the stress and also lessen the possibilities of being yelled at by someone: prioritising is one great strategy instead of eating.

The problem is that you stress eat and it makes you “feel good” for about 15 minutes and then the stress still hasn’t gone.

A little stress is a good thing – a lot can prove fatal! It is now one of the biggest killers.


“I get anxious and eating a snack makes me feel better.”

I had a client that I regressed to find out if she unconsciously understood her addiction to jelly babies. She recalled a long repressed memory of being eight years old and her Mother sitting her in a sunny garden and saying: “Never mind darling – when you have a problem eat a jelly baby and all will be well.”

Her 25 stone self thanked her Mother for that well intentioned dietary nightmare but realised that she didn’t have to address her anxieties that way.

I taught her how to diminish the anxiety and address the source of the anxiety.


“I get bored in the evening and watch TV and reward myself after a hard day with beer and snacks.”

This is a huge danger area for some people and eating late means you never really get to digest properly so the body deposits it as fat to digest later. Of course you never get to digest it later.

Boredom is a craving for company or mental stimulus – so we need to find a strategy for that … one client started making bespoke cards .. another loved reading and joined a book club and made friends … another rediscovered Art … another took up running again and is now doing half marathons .. another wrote her village history.

We also need to suggest gently that eating or drinking too much alcohol is not the best default.

There are many reasons for weight issues

I work with you using my many years of experience to find solutions to overeating or drinking too much alcohol. We work in a holistic way through the issues – so whether it is Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Boredom or anything else that causes you to tranquillise yourself with food we will find a strategy, explore nutritional alternatives, have some fun along the way, motivate you to lose weight and much more …

Hypno Gastric Band for Obesity in Ipswich and Hadleigh Suffolk and Colchester Essex

I was an early adopter of the virtual gastric band and I now offer this in Ipswich and Hadleigh in Suffolk and Colchester Essex. It works well and the course thoroughly explores with Hypnotherapy Hypnoanalysis and NLP all reasons for your weight issues and then “fits” under hypnosis the HypnoGastricBand. The Hypno Gastric Band is available now in Ipswich Suffolk. Hadleigh Suffolk on Sundays and Colchester Essex.

I offer a FREE telephone consultation with no obligation

Call or Text: 0787 5720623

Hypnosis for Weight Loss in Ipswich and Colchester

Graham Howes Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss in Ipswich Suffolk Hadleigh Suffolk and Colchester Essex

The Hypno Gastric Band Hypnosis – is it a viable alternative to a real Gastric Band or Bariatric Surgery?

Which is best for you Gastric Band surgery or virtual hypno gastric band hypnotherapy with weight loss hypnosis?


Gastric Band

The Hypno Gastric Band – a viable alternative for obesity?

Many people have heard of Gastric Banding surgery because of celebrities such as in the UK Vanessa Feltz or Fern Britton and in the US Roseanne Barr and Diego Maradona. People who consider gastric band surgery may well have typically struggled with their weight – they have tried weight watchers and slimming world where they had to to count calories or eat a restricted diet such as the Atkins Diet or tried meal replacement shakes or the Raw food diet. There are so many diets and slimming approaches and many will have experienced weight loss and perhaps found themselves becoming obsessed or bored with food and “how many pounds lost today” – some will even starve them selves just prior to a weigh in session at a slimming club – just to show weight loss and then found that as soon as they stop calorie counting or using points or restricting their diet that they just go back to old ways of eating and put weight back on.

It is also important what people are eating. In the US junk food is classified as “addictive” by the American Health Authority – it contains far too much fat sugar and salt and people are addicted to that taste so the US has two thirds of it’s population as obese and the UK has the fattest population in Europe at 69%. One American Burger chain has the Pizza Burger which has a whopping 2,000 calories on it’s own – that is in excess of the recommended daily amount for one male person. Even ready meals can be too full of fat sugar and salt. BBC 3 highlighted that diet drinks especially Diet Coke can actually make you hungrier if they contain aspartame. Low Fat Diet foods in the same programme actually turned a healthy eater, Zoe Salmon, who went on a Low Fat ready meals diet with diet drinks for a month, into a grumpy tired person grazing on snacks and she GAINED 3 pounds.

The why of overeating

Another important area is WHY people are overeating and we will come back to that point later. The gastric band begins to look like an attractive proposition and in this blog some of the the pluses and minuses and alternatives are explored.

When does someone look at having gastric band or bariatric surgery?

Typically some one looking at gastro band or gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy will be classified as obese. This is generally taken as being a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 30. A rule of thumb might be that they are many pounds or stone overweight for their size. Problems are that they are physically carrying too much weight for their size and so putting a strain on skeleton and muscles – they will have knee and back problems.

This is because if you think of a one pound lump of lard or fat and then multiply that by how much overweight you are. Then imagine slinging all that fat into a rucksack and carrying it on your front. What would that be like? Breathless, knees ache, back ache… tired all the time. That is what is happening when you carry excess weight.

There are also significant health issues with being overweight and bad diet: osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes and heart disease, lethargy, breathlessness and high blood pressure, cancer and much more.

What variations of bariatric surgery are available?

There are a number of different approaches to weight loss surgery – broadly speaking there are the types that remove part of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy or biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) or by resetting and re-routing the small intestines to a small stomach pouch (gastric bypass) or, simplest, reduce the size of the stomach by implanting a lap-band or adjustable gastric band.

All the approaches have the goal of making you feel fuller sooner. This simple mechanical change of the size of the stomach means that the hypothalamus, governor of the appetite, receives a message sooner than previously which means that you feel fuller earlier than in the past – you eat less and you therefore lose lots of weight in theory and often in practice. The food arrives at the new reduced sized area and fills up very quickly – stimulating the I AM FULL feeling – the food then passes slowly through the new area and is digested as normal.

The Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding – Lap-band or gastric band – is one of the most common procedures. Basically small incisions are made and a T shaped hollow tube with two ports either side and one at the top – the trocar – is used to guide small instruments into your abdomen and using a laproscope – a small camera – to see what is happening a passage is made around the top of the stomach and a small pouch is formed about the size of a golf ball by using a hollow tube band – which looks a bit like a tubular belt with an access tube attached. At the end of that tube is a funnel shaped port. The gastric band is itself hollow. Once the band is fitted around the top third of the stomach it is secured and the other end with the funnel shaped port is anchored in the abdominal area.

The band is filled with saline solution and can be tightened or loosened via the funnel shaped port in the abdomen.

Costs for these interventions range from £5,000 to £10,000 or more. If all goes well in surgery they will do what they advertise and help with great weight loss and keeping it off.

What are the drawbacks of gastric band surgery?

Surgery is always risky. There have been cases of botched surgery when people have gone for a cheap option in a place in the World where surgery standards may not be so high. There are sometimes cases of septicemia or infection.

Some people complain of feeling sick or uncomfortable all the time.

Before you can have the procedure the gastric or bariatric surgeon will be looking to see that you stablise blood pressure and get down to a manageable and stable weight. If you have a heart condition the risks are increased.

The problem with weight loss surgery as with dieting and slimming is mindset. There have been cases where people have tried to go back to overeating and pureed food to get past the obstruction because they haven’t dealt with their overeating issues.

What is the problem with mindset and weight gain?

People overeat for a variety of reasons:

Binge or Comfort or Emotional eating – because they are tranquillising anxiety or emotional pain or stress – for example.

Self defence – “If I am overweight no-one will come near me”.

Therefore if people have not dealt with WHY they overeat – they will eventually go back to the familiar ways that make them feel better.

Let us consider a car. There are dials and lights on a car dashboard that tell us when the oil is low or the radiator needs water or there is some other problem. These warning lights are good. Unless the warning is that the car is low on fuel – putting more fuel in the tank won’t fix the problem. Feelings are like those lights and they are there to warn us to take action. Making a plan to address those problems is always better than eating to feel comfortable.

Unfortunately many of these responses are learned in childhood – an eight year old gets anxious and is pacified with sweets. A child is told to always clear their plate. These responses do not help us govern our appetite!

So what is the virtual hypno gastric band and weight loss hypnosis alternative?

Weight loss hypnosis should help to address eating issues – the WHY of overeating with a combination of hypnoanalysis, hypnotherapy and NLP to discover, understand and reframe the eating issues. Weight Loss Hypnotherapy should ideally combine this with motivation and nutritional advice.

The Hypno Gastric Band comes in as many flavours as gastric banding – Mind Band, Hypnotic Gastric Band, HypnoGastricBand and more.

The aim is at the end of a course of weight loss hypnosis to put the client into hypnosis and give them the experience of the Gastric Band operation. The subconscious mind doesn’t really distinguish between this imaginative recreation and the real thing – so with a carefully constructed approach a client has the notion of the gastric band in place. My preferred option is the Hypno Gastric Band.

As the client had already been through weight loss hypnosis and understands their limiting beliefs regarding eating and has begun to use the motivation of hypnosis and NLP and nutritional information to change the way that they eat and what they eat – then the package offers an alternative to the real Gastric Band for the obese and typically at a cost from £260 – £350 for a weight loss course with the Hypno Gastric Band at the end.

Testimonial October 2013 via Facebook

“Just thought you would like to know: I have now lost 3 1/2 stone!” Ruth R

The real gastric band may be the best choice for some people but there is an alternative offered by weight loss hypnosis and the hypno gastric band hypnotherapy approach. If you have a BMI over 28 you should consider this option of the Hypno Gastric Band or if you need to just lose a bit of weight and keep it off rather than yo yo diet then my Weight Loss course is the better option

See my Hypno Gastric Band page for details of the HypnoGastricBand system

Graham Howes ASHPH GHR registered GHSC regulated Professional Hypnotherapist


Daily Mail article on the Hypno Gastric Band

Bupa on a gastric banding operation

Call: 07875720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com

Hypnotherapy for Obesity in Ipswich Suffolk and Colchester Essex with the Hypno Gastric Band – Losing Weight is also about why you put on weight and overate in the first place